A Quick and Comprehensive Guide For First Time Parents


A Quick and Comprehensive Guide For First Time Parents

So you’ve gone through all the stages of pregnancy, handled labour and gone through delivery, now is the time for you to embark on a new life with your baby. And if you’re becoming a parent for the very first time, then it’s natural that you may not have any idea as to what you have to do. In this article, we take you through some quick tips to set your nerves aside and make you confident in your new role as a parent.

Get help after giving birth

Many hospitals have lactation consultants and feeding specialists so be sure to talk and gather the advice of these experts. Talk to nurses about how you should hold the baby, how to change the diaper and how to care for your little angel. When you come home, you may want to hire a baby nurse to help you out and family and relatives can be a great help too. Getting advice from the experienced is always the way to go.

How to handle your newborn

Babies are incredibly fragile and this can be intimidating for new parents. Here are some quick tips:

– Since newborns don’t have a strong immune system as yet, they are more susceptible for infection so be sure to use a hand sanitizer to wash your hands before handling your baby.
– When holding your baby, support his/her head and neck. Cradle the head when you’re carrying your baby and if you’re carrying the baby upright, then support the head.
– Avoid shaking your baby as this can cause the brain to bleed, and even lead to death.
– If you want to wake your baby, gently tickle his/her feet or gently blow on a cheek.

The first few hours and days are the most special for parents and this is when bonding is most pleasurable. Take advantage of this period to forge a deep connection with your baby and this attachment can even contribute to the emotional growth of your child and enhance their development in other areas. Gently cradling your baby, stroking, massaging are all ways of strengthening this bond.

How to swaddle your baby?

– Spread the blanket with one corner lightly folded over.
– Lay your baby face up on the blanket, being sure to place the head above the folded corner.
– Wrap the left corner over your baby’s body and tuck it underneath his/her back by going under the right arm.
– Take the bottom corner of the blanket over the baby’s feet and pull it towards the head. Be sure to fold the fabric if it comes too close to the face.
– The knees and hips should be slightly bent and turned out and avoid wrapping too tightly on the hips.
– The right corner should be wrapped around the baby and tuck it under the back on the left side, making sure that the head and neck are exposed.

It’s important to note that babies should be swaddled only after they are two months old.

Dealing with diapers

Your little bundle of joy would need a diaper change at least ten times a day so you want to make sure that you have all the supplies ready at hand. Here’s what you will need:
– A good quality diaper
– Fasteners
– Diaper ointment
– Diaper wipes (or warm water and some cotton balls)

When changing the diaper, lay your baby on the back and use water and cotton balls to gently wipe the area clean. Apply some ointment to prevent diaper rash before changing into a new one. If your baby has diaper rash for more than three days, then visit the doctor as it could be a fungal infection at times too.

How to bathe your baby?

Some important tips to bear in mind:
– Don’t give your baby a sponge bath until the umbilical cord falls off and the navel heals fully.
– For the first year, bathing your baby two or three times a week is enough.
– Have a soft washcloth, unscented baby soap, and shampoos together with clean towels and blankets ready.
– For a sponge bath, fill a bowl with warm water. Start by washing your baby’s eyes with a damp washcloth starting from one eye and wiping from the inner to the outer corner. Clean the nose and ears with the damp washcloth before using a little soap to wash the face and gently pat dry afterward. Then, use a gentle baby shampoo, create a lather and slowly wash and rinse the baby’s head. Then, wash the rest of the body, being sure to pay attention to the creases behind the ears, under the arms, in the neck and in the genital area. Thereafter, make sure to dry your baby thoroughly before dressing.

Umbilical cord and circumcision care

Umbilical cord care is very important in newborns. Gently swab the area until the cord stump dries and falls off. This will usually take about ten days to three weeks. Avoid submerging the baby’s naval area in water until the cord stump falls off. Before falling, the cord stump will change its colour from yellow to brown or even black. If the naval area looks red or has a foul odor with the release of discharge, then call your doctor.

After circumcision, the tip of the penis is covered in gauze coated with petroleum jelly to make sure that the wound doesn’t stick to the diaper. Gently wipe the tip with warm water after changing the diaper and re-apply petroleum jelly to the tip. The irritation and redness of the penis will heal in a few days but if there is swelling, an increase in redness or if blisters with pus start forming, then it could indicate an infection so check with the doctor immediately.

Feeding and burping basics

It is recommended that babies are fed whenever they are hungry. Newborns should be fed every two or three hours. If you’re breastfeeding, nurse your child about fifteen minutes at each breast. If your baby is formula-fed, he/she will need about two or three ounces at each feeding.

You know your baby is getting enough to eat when he/she seems satisfied and produces about six wet diapers a day in addition to stool several times a day. If your baby is sleeping well and is gaining weight steadily, your baby is healthy and happy.

If you’re breastfeeding, you’ll know your baby is getting enough breast milk if you notice your breasts feeling full before nursing your baby.

When feeding, your baby will tend to swallow air and this will make them fussy. This is why your baby should burp often. Try burping your baby every 2-3 ounces when feeding bottle-milk and every time before switching breasts before breastfeeding. Here are some burping tips:

– Carry your baby upright with his/her head on your shoulder
– Support the baby’s head and back and gently pat the back with your other hand
– Sit your baby on your lap and support your baby’s head and chest with one hand and cradle the chin in the palm of your hand
– If your baby doesn’t burp after some minutes, then change the position and try burping for a few more minutes before feeding again.

Sleep basics

Did you know that your newborns can sleep more than 16 hours a day? They typically sleep for periods of 2-4 hours but they may not sleep through the night. When your infant is awake, they will need nourishment every few hours and if they have not been fed for four hours, be sure to awaken and feed your baby.

Babies will develop their sleep cycle and patterns gradually. Take a great deal of care in placing your baby on his/her back to lessen the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Avoid using quilts, stuffed animals and pillows in the crib as this may suffocate the baby. Also, alternate the position of your infant’s head from night to night to prevent the development of a flat spot on one side of the head. Since newborns have their day and night all mixed up, they are more awake during the night. As a new parent, staying awake through the night may seem hard, but you’ll soon develop into a routine.

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